Selena Kishek Selena Kishek

Families’ Roles in Medical Decisions Pertaining to the Withdrawal of Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration

The critical role of families in deciding questions pertaining to clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) persists as a pivotal yet underexplored facet within existing legal scholarly discourse and clinical practice. Adult patients in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (PDOC) lack capacity for the purposes of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) to autonomously decide CANH questions. Pursuant to the MCA, decisions relating to their treatment must be made in accordance with their best interests. The current application of the best interests test can aggravate familial distress, and, therefore, warrants a thorough revisitation to foster enhanced familiar support and inclusivity within the decision-making process. Accordingly, clinicians, in their assessment of best interests, must ensure that families participate more comprehensively in the decision-making process. Families’ roles in the assessment of best interests must be expanded in order to align with the spirit of the MCA.

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Alejandra Riambau Alejandra Riambau

Fast Fashion and Intellectual Property

The discussion of fast fashion and intellectual property rights has emerged as a pivotal topic in contemporary discussions, driven by consumers' escalating demands for the latest trends. The intricate dynamics surrounding inspiration, imitation, and replication within the fashion industry, are pertinent, considering the widespread proliferation of "dupes" by fast fashion entities and online platforms. Despite legal milestones such as the 2017 Supreme Court ruling in Star Athletica, LLC v Varsity Brands, Inc., persistent challenges remain. Notable cases like Steve Madden v. YSL underscore the ongoing struggle to balance innovation, consumer preferences, and copyright safeguards. Legal reforms are necessary to fortify copyright laws, enhance design patent protections, and establish specialized courts to ensure more consistent rulings on design infringement cases. Platforms like TikTok and Amazon must enact stricter guidelines to protect intellectual property rights and curb the proliferation of dupe culture. Prioritizing the protection of design intellectual property is paramount for nurturing creativity and preserving the integrity of the fashion industry.

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Olivia Oh Olivia Oh

From Special Education to the Criminal Justice System: The Need for Early Intervention in the Special-Education-to-Prison Pipeline

Known as the school-to-prison pipeline, the disturbing national cycle of repeated school exclusion and incarceration affects an alarmingly high population of students. Struggling youth are often faced with punitive measures rather than support, driving the school-to-prison pipeline as these students are forced to drop out and abandon their education. Students with disabilities are especially vulnerable to school exclusion, facing stigmatization and insufficient accommodations. As a result, they are disproportionately represented in the school-to-prison pipeline, contributing to a new national phenomenon: the special-education-to-prison pipeline [1]. This paper investigates the current state of special education in the United States, analyzing the deficiencies in legislation that governs special education and asserting the necessity of offering early intervention and regular review of special education students’ progress. Given the impacts of early educational experiences on the future growth and development of special education students, legislation must effectively protect the rights of special education students and their families from the punitive measures that are currently in place. Overall, this paper recognizes the issues in the national special education system and argues for the need to advocate for reduced policing of special education students and increased implementation of evidence-based classroom support.

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