Fall 2023 Winners
After receiving numerous excellent submissions, the HULR is excited to announce our Fall 2023 Essay Contest Winners. We thank all applicants for their enthusiasm and commitment to participating in our contest, as well as all the teachers who helped spread the word about us and encouraged their students to apply.
Award winners are offered a book of their choice as well as a diploma. All winning submissions can be viewed below.
1st Place
Maya Otchere-Boateng, Qualified Immunity and Social Justice: How Protection for Law Enforcement Has Hampered Black Rights
2nd Place
Darrell Pui, Life, Liberty, and Lethal Force: The Right to Life under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights in Times of Riot and Insurrection
3rd Place
Ethan Lim, Walking the Legal Tightrope: Why European Courts Should Legalise Assisted Suicide
2023 Essay Contest Theme
The theme for the HULR’s Fall 2023 Essay Contest is “The Right to Life.” The right to life is perhaps the most universally recognized, natural, and inalienable human right. What should this right reasonably include, and how is this right protected or not protected by current law? To substantiate your claims, you may discuss the legal system(s) of any nation, state, or locality with which you are familiar.