Spring 2019 Long Articles

The Spring 2019 Long Articles (>1500 words) are only available in PDF format.

Included Titles:

Justices Should Court the People

Freedom from Speech Codes

Commonwealth V. Carter: Morality and the First Amendment

The “Weaponization” of the First Amendment

Risky Business: An Economic Analysis of the “Reasonable Corporation” Standard of Care

European Copyright Directive: Challenges to Implementation in Poland

In Defense of the Federal Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation

Putting the Mind Before the Brain: An Analysis of MRI Evidence in the Courtroom

Chasing Shadows: Analyzing the FBI’s Classification of Black Identity Extremism as a Growing Domestic Terrorist Threat

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Evaluating “War on Terror” Islamic Charity Prosecutions

A Softer Sound for Hatred: Re-evaluating Hate Speech Case Law

How (Not) to Fight Fake News

Too Quick to Quit? An Analysis of Indecision on Partisan Gerrymandering

The Right Kind of Sanctions": Restricting Executive Discretion in Enforcement of International Conservation Programs

Better Caul Saul (Because He’s Your Only Option): An Analysis of the Effects of Medical Malpractice Damage Caps on the Market for Legal Representation

Litigating the U.S. Opiod Epidemic: Public Torts, Public Health, and the Legacy of Big Tobacco


The Power Behind the Butterfly: Applying a Power-Conscious and Intersectional Lens to Sexual Harassment Employment Law